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There are some good Falco's here, but none of them are great. You and Shea are the best, and you two are probably even with him. But I would yours is a tad bit better. You space better than Shea does. I have an anti-Shea strategy I could use on her Falco. It use to work on her other characters, too, but she's far too good for that with her Luigi and Fox now.


I agree. Your MetaKnight was badass. Some of the stuff you use to do with him is impossible for me to do consistantly even now. If you decided to master one character, you'd be as good as anyone with that character - end of story.

My list was based on who I think is better with that character. I don't base things on who gives me the most trouble, because Shea's Fox gives me much more trouble than even TGM's Samus. Though, TGM is clearly the better player.

I am Washu-bot B, loyal servant of Final-Fan, the greatest scientific genius in the universe!