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pimpcoop said:

You would think with all that money they could fix the problem we Wii owners have like storage issue, a hardcore games, and some voice chat. Also have a better onilne system.


As NJ5 already said, these problems are not really money dependant ...

The "Hard-Core" games problem is far more dependant on time being that the games Nintendo creates to appeal to this demographic are under development, and there has been a steady increase in the quantity of games announced from third parties to appeal to this group since the Wii launched. By this time next year, many of the people who were complaining of Nintendo abandoning their core will be eating (a lot of) crow.

The storage probem is a much larger issue because how can Nintendo solve it for good without producing an expensive add on, or something that opens up piracy concerns? The best solution I can think of (at the momeny) is for Nintendo to allow the SD card to be used as a storage device, and to create a SDHC usb-hub where users can add 1 to 4 SD/SDHC cards to their Wii; the reason to create and support a particular hub is they could provide a device that people can buy for $15 that will enable people to expand their storage space as required, and since the Wii only works with the Nintendo hub there could be features which prevent piracy included into the hub.