DKII does bring out a good point that focus on the online elements can take away from the single player experience. I do think alot of online shooters have very short single player modes because of the online focus. What frustrates me too, is it seems most reviews tend to automatically take off point for games that don't have online options. Why not take off points for games that focus to heavily on online options. I really don't think every game has to be online. I once tried Tony Hawk online, I played in a skater park with 9 other people. The point was to see who could rack up the most point in 5 minutes. But what killed it was zero interaction. Other then it telling me at the end of the session who had the most points, it felt like I was playing by myself. So I never tried it again. There is a game I would have prefered some hotseat style multiplayer, taking turns with my friends who can rail the longest, highest combo, highest hospitable bill, that would have been more fun.