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OK, I'm back from watching the movie. I think the overall structure could have been better, and in that regard I liked Batman Begins better.

But... the acting and the movie's theme really make this movie stand out... A big Wow for Ledger's performance, one can literally feel evil flowing from the screen, especially in the scene in which he the camera spins around him and the girl while he's talking to her. That scene was really intense. Never before had I seen pure evil portrayed like this in a movie character.

As far as the action scenes went, I was expecting a bit more, but the way the story is, the level of action is well balanced in retrospect.

I will probably watch it again with my girlfriend later, and then I'll see if it deserves the full extent of the hype it's getting.


My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957