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I would say it;s getting the consoles into the area. My gues is that Sony/Nintendo/Prob Microsoft manufacture a lot of their consoles in China/Japan Area, which is only a short (relative) journey across the pacific to the US. Where as to get from that area to Europe, it would be a long journey over land (which I presume is more expensive than by boat), so cost are going to be added there. Also, as Europe is still a small market compared to the US, the companies have no intention of putting factories here. Even though, I'm sure if they put them in Romania or other Eastern Bloc countries, you could make them as cheap as you make them in China. For instance, the Romanian minimum wage is 8x less than it is in the UK! I think that's the reason behind it. You have also got to remember American to pay a VAT kinda tax, but it avries by state (some don't have to), so the $600 (previously) PS3, would probs be $650. But it's still extortionate.

It happens with most good though, even European made goods, so I'm confused as to why in general things are more expensive. As I mentioned in another thread, we pay an extra $8000/£4000 for a VW Beetle (I know kinda random, but I knew it would be made in the EU), and I can't think why that would be more expensive. As most reason stated here don't apply (and would actually put the price up for the US), ie transportation, inport tax etc.

One person's experience or opinion never shows the general consensus

PSN ID: Tispower