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Banned stages aren't banned just because of hazards. They offer unfair advantages or naturally stall the match and those are also reasons for bans. Skyworld is banned due to platforms losing edges to grab, platforms delaying certain attack animations, and the cave of life effect. Being able to be spiked through a platform is also a reason its banned. Spear Pillar is banned, because Cresselia KOs easier then people, Slow-Mo stalls the match, reverse controls can gimp someone mid recovery if they aren't planning for it, Dialga can KO unexpectedly. Nothing about the lasers. Cave of life effect their as well, which again, stalls the match. Temple, Cave of life, stalls match, and the typical stygma with giant stages being horrid camera zooms. 75M, bad platform design, walk off edges, giant size leads to bad camera angles. New Pork, cave of life, OHKO hazard (even if its not hard to miss), camera zooms out to show exactly where the hazard is leading to crap visibility. Wario Ware, invinicibility reward, can gimp characters recovering during the stage change, minigames can KO. Mario Bros. Absolute crap stage design, Sakurai said it breaks the rules himself. Mushroomy Kingdom, stage 1 Walk off edges, exploitable walls, no ledges in pits, ceiling too low (Mario Up Smash KOes at 67%). Mushroomy 2, same story except now its a massive cave of life.

I can give reasons why every banned stage is banned and its not always due to hazards. Using the stage to your advantage is good, but some stages have too much to take advantage of, making them broken, unfair, and thus banned.

Using the stage to your advantage is a rudimentary skill. It doesn't take any skill at all besides walking to take advantage of a Cave of Life effect or a wall. Everyone does it naturally whether they mean to or not. My 10 year old nephew does it, just to prove a point. My nephew has infinited me against a wall before. This is the same nephew, that can do Meta Knights cape for 30 seconds at a time. This is the same nephew, that doesn't know Up-B can be used to recover.

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!