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Wow..I like gamestop. A lot actually. I'm not even an employee - and never have been - and they let me borrow games like that=P I take extreme care of anything under my care tho, and always return games in perfect shape. On top of that, if they have a game 2 days before it's official release - I have it 2 days before its official release. Gamestop treats me good, so I can't really complain. I can understand the frustration from people who don't get this treatment but hey..all i can say is - be nice. I go to gamestop, buy games, reserve games, talk to the guys, hang out. They know me pretty well by now, it's where I buy all my games and they know they know a valued customer when they see one I guess. I also buy all strategy guides there (because everywhere else sells strategy guides, they just NEVER have the one you need) and I also buy all of my hardware there - controllers, USB cables, play-n-charge kits, etc etc.

But you could also say this is because of where I live. There are only 2 stores where I live that sell video games - GameStop and Wal-Mart. And I don't go into Wal-Mart unless theres a gun at my forehead, so no matter how bad I thought GameStop was, I'd still shop there..otherwise I'd have to drive 45 minutes to find somewhere else.