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epsilon72 said:
Sqrl said:

In addition I will add that it is widely believed amongst physicist that folding space for the purpose of travel is technically possible under our current understanding.  To be clear their position is essentially that it breaks no rules they can see and so should be possible, whether or not its a viable option in terms of energy cost, and whether or not it is safe are questions far beyond our current understanding but the fact that the door is open means it is possible for another civilization to have done it.


Pics or it didn't happen.




(link? sounds interesting.)


Gah, I just gave the book back to my friend or I could site page numbers but Brian Greene's "The Elegant Universe: Superstrings, Hidden Dimensions, and the Quest for the Ultimate Theory" goes into a discussion on this towards the end of the book.  I'm working on the sequel right now "The Fabric of the Cosmos" while also trudging my way through Roger Penrose's "The Road to Reality".

I advise the first two by Greene for those without a math background but for Road to Reality you will probably want undergraduate level mathematical training.  I'm not a phenom at math but I'm pretty good and its probably the heaviest reading I've ever done lol.  It focuses on the math quite a bit.


To Each Man, Responsibility