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Stromprophet said: See, I'm on the other side. It's the whole equation, you are on one extreme where you think graphics aren't important at all, but it's not just the graphics. Consider Gears of War, which Epic makes. There is a lot more to that game than just the pretty graphics that could not be done on the Wii. Yes, Epic makes very graphics intensive, physics intensive, AI intensive games. So yes, they would have an interest in both 360 and PS3. I feel the opposite, consoles have been competing with PCs ever since the PC was capable of producing crisper graphics, more detail, and just larger and more encompassing games, precisely because PCs evolve quicker and have more capability.
I never said that "graphics aren't important at all" but I do believe that they are no longer the primary limiting factor in producing good games ... World of Warcraft could not be played effectively by using a controller, there are simple too few buttons to bind to all of the actions; hypothetically speaking you could use the pointer to draw a "rune" on the screen, or use motions to bind all of the actions to motion controls. First person shooters are "clunky" on consoles because of how poorly the dual analogue system works but (even with the crappy games that use it) they feel far better using the Wiimote and nunchuck. I don't know whether all games will benefit from the Wiimote (I actually doubt it) but it is important that someone is finally trying to move out of the stone age of contolls ... As I've said before, I don't think the Wii could be successful by pushing graphical limits (too expensive for developers to take the risk) and if the system cost $400 (to expensive for users to take the risk) so it is nearly the ideal cost/performance set-up for what it is; we can argue endlessly about whether it should have had more power but it is kind of pointless at the moment. The only thing we can say is that on a worldwide basis there are more people who agree enough with the strategy of Nintendo to buy a $250 Wii than have agreed with Sony/Microsofts strategy to spend $600/$400 on a PS3/XBox 360.