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Sonic is one of the few characters that can easily chain together nigh inescapable combos. Fox has problems with it due to the ease of smash DI and his fast fall speed. The real problem Sonic has is a lack of priority on the ground, which is why most Sonics you see try to force their opponents into the air. His ability to outright KO is negligible due to his offstage ability and his quick damage building techniques. Sonics speed makes him hard to get away from as well. A well played Sonic can easily control the stage better then a trap happy Snake.

Sonic also is insanely hard to land KO shots on if he's well played. His air dodge is considered one of the best if not the best in the game. His Up-B allows him to easily escape juggles and his D-air actually cancels at a certain height allowing him easy ways to get back down to the stage to start again.

The only thing I'll say Fox does better then Sonic is KO outright. One of my tournament practice partners is a Sonic main, and he scares the hell out of my heavies when he's on his game. I have to use Kirby and Pikachu to beat him <.< Dedede, and R.O.B just can't do squat.

Chances of the SBR banning one character, let alone two is zilch. If they ever do ban Snake and Meta... I'll probably look into the new Soul Calibur or go back to Pokemon X.x

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!