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I am from Europe and I dont think it is doing anything better than the original box (wich I own by the way ) .The original Xbox had a lackluster start and so Microsoft had to lower the price very fast (two times in 3-4 months in fact ) .The original price wasnt 300 but 500 euros ...about the same as the PS3 20 Gb right now .Once they dropped the price for the second time they started to sell failry well and outclassed the Cube to the third position .If you look at worldwide sales of the Xbox 1 it sold some 25-26 million units ...and 15 of them in NA ,and 0.5 in Japan ...that leaves the European market at 9 million Xbox sold .But it appeared here in 2002 ...and by end 2005 we already had the X360 here .Thats why nobody wants the X360 here ,most people are just upset with a company that releases 1 console for 3 years ...The X360 buyers are people who got tired of waiting for the PS3 and some hardcore gamers .But in its best market ,UK ,it has sold 770 K units .And it is well know the EU market is about 2.5 times the UK one (referring to videogames only of course ) ...UK alone amounts for 40% of the market ,with 20% in Germany and France ,7-8% of Spain and about the same Italy and the 6% remaining the other countries (much smaller and not overly populated ) . If Monty thinks a console that is selling LESS than the original Xbox everywhere (slighty less ) is doing very good let him alone .The reality will sooner or later catch up on him . I have seen the main page has changed the numbers slightly ....´c´mon the results for the X360 were off 400k units and you have changed them less than 100K and the Wii ones were off almost 700k and only changed 500k ...I dont have too many problems with this but at least try to balance the numbers with the ones of this month then .