Stromprophet on 15 March 2007
johnlucas said:
Stromprophet said:
But I'd say at most it may outpace the 360 by 400k, which would put us about 10 months from now. However, if Halo comes out in the fall all bets are off and 360 might win the Holidays in the US.
Super Mario Galaxy alone will not let Halo 3 make 360 the Holiday season winner.
XBox 360 WILL have an impressive showing this year no doubt but to say holiday winner? I don't think so.
Only if Super Mario Galaxy is pushed back to 2008 can Halo 3 put XBox 360 ahead. But somehow I just don't see that happening. I think they will keep their word on this release date for once.
Then again maybe SMG may be supplanted by Super Smash Bros. Brawl which if released in its place may do similar if not more damage to the competition.
We gotta see how Nintendo delivers that online play experience. If it's as well-executed as I'm thinking it will be, throw in the towel right now it's over.
That ain't counting the supporting cast of Wii titles that'll move that system.
Guitar Hero II will be a system mover for 360 alone and that's coming in a few weeks.
The supporters of the Wii60 regime will be very happy regardless of what happens either way.
The PS3 faithful will be the ones having to worry if these other systems start layin' the smack down like they're seeming to be able to do.
Oh don't forget Metroid Prime 3 in June. Good God! Will summer droughts be a thing of the past now?
John Lucas
Where have you been the last 5 years? Halo is a massive US title. Mario is not anymore. Paper Mario was pretty successful, but compared to Halo? Just check the software shipments, it's Halo hands down in the US.
Super Mario Sunshine sold 5.8 million copies worldwide.
World wide Halo sold 6.43, and Halo 2 sold 7.89. But consider that 11 million of those total sales were in the US. Halo simply dominates in the US, much like GTA does.
I'm not even a 360 fan that much, but I think you're delusional to think Smash Bros and Mario could challenge the combo of GTA and Halo 3, you're living in the 80s, 90s still when mario titles sold into the 10 million range, but they just don't anymore.
You're also acting like PS3 won't have any titles coming out. It's very likely Killzone 2, MGS4, FFXIII, GT5, Lair, Heavenly Sword are out before the Holidays. Well, maybe FFXIII and GT5 miss the holidays, but that would be one strong Q1 2008 if they do.
You're also not considering the fact that PS3 is getting supplemental sales as a Blu-ray player. Or the fact the M$ has said they will price drop the 360 this year, probably in the fall I think, which will be stiff competition to the Wii because they can't price drop proportionally. i.e. likely drop 250 --> 200, 360 400 --> 300, one is a 20% drop the other 33% drop. Also *if* 360 price drops you can bet Sony will price drop simply because they won't have a choice.
Remember, PS2 price drop May 2002, Xbox price dropped merely 6 months after release because they had to.