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skipo said:
Shoestar said:
BenKenobi88 said:
You don't need anywhere near $2000 to build a good gaming PC.

Mine's under $1000 and it plays Crysis pretty well.

And of course PCs are useful for MUCH more than a gaming console could be.



yes... you can have a fairly good PC at $1000... but I'm talking state of the art (not overly expensive though) :)


state of the art that is going to be oudated in 6 months or 3 months... gotta luv Moore Law.




wasn't that the intel guy? I thought he was talking about the transistors on a cpu? well... if you buy anything new now, it is no longer  gonna be new sooner or later. a core 2 quad at 2.65 ghz might cost 15% less in a year but then so are the pricedrops for the consoles such as the PS3 or X360... or so much is the cost of adding just another pheripheral to be able to play a game on the wii.

Aswell, yes, the main purpose of a PC is not gaming, as as the main purpose of a car is not racing for the 'general public'. But wrong is it to assume that there are not people who buy a PC for the main purpose of gaming. Why else would a tri-sli 9800 gtx sell? not everyone does graphic design :)

I need my PC for work but I'd be damned if I don't use it to play games.

I am a Gamer... I play games and not consoles. I have a PC and Console on which I game... I like games. End of Story!