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DTG said:

After having watched this overrated but mediocre movie it's hard not to be beaten over the head with all the apparent coincidential similarities to MGS.

Batmans raspy voice, which came out quite forced seemed like a nod to David Hayters Solid Snake as the two characters sounded essentially alike (besides the fact that SS sounds much more natural having done this voice for over a decade)

The thematics and pseudo philosophies of TDK also quite overtly borrowed from MGS. The themes of chaos, control, manipulation, heroes, anarchy, etc were simply too numerous to be considered merely nods to MGS. Much like The Matrix practically ripped off Ghost in the Shell (and did a poor job at that) TDK quite shamefully borrowed almost complete lines from Kojima's games. Some of the lines of being a hero (or not being one), of chaos and control were so similar to dialogue used in MGS that it felt almost distracting while watching the movie.

That TDK made such shallow use of Kojima's deep thematics was ever so aggrivating, not to mention the fact that I had not see the director or writer admit to MGS serving as an obvious influence is what makes this all the more shameful. 


Besides everything else wrong with your post which have already been mentioned, I have a problem with the bolded statement if you are taking the stance of a learned critic of narrative-based media. Your use of the word theme seems quite misplaced. I would not worry about this if it were anyone else, but since you seem to believe you know so much about storytelling, let this link introduce you to what a theme actually is.

If you want to note similarities in the themes of the stories and not the subjects, please do so correctly, since the same subjects have almost always been brought up in previous stories.