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Townzy said: This is in Responce to the Xbox Vs 360 WW sales 360 is even with xbox in America and Japan, but in Europe/Australia it is Way ahead the original xbox did not launch until March in these places, PS2 dominated Europe etc and xbox sales were very slow in Europe, however 360 has sold 900k in UK (Xbox has only sold 2m LTD), it has sold 150k in Australia (360 was fastest console to 100k here). so in other words it has made alot of ground outside of NA and Japan to be ahead WW.
It's actually selling less this gen in Japan, so what makes you believe it's doing better in (Asia, not austrilia) than last time? I also agree, it is doing better in Europe and Austrilia this time. But not by a wide margin. When they launched original box in Europe they lowered the price to 200 dollars in May 2002 and gave everyone refunds that purchased it at 300 in launch. Plus there was a much, much larger supply of original boxes available at Euro launch, as opposed to the very small amount available until April 2006, when they finally got production ramped up enough. Are they doing so much better...I think it is selling slightly better. That is evidenced by the fact that it outpaced original box in the US everymonth in 2006 except for 2. But it's not doing leaps and bounds better.