Those bundles look cool until you do some basic math... Wii = $250 Four games = roughly $200 Extra wiimote+nunchuck = $60 Mem card = I have no idea whatsoever $250+$200+$60+somewhere between $20 and $40 = somewhere between $530 and $550 It's probably worth exactly the $534.92 that they're charging. Since it's only by mail, you've gotta add the shipping fee, too, and it says they're going to tag an extra $10 to that. So the final price is between $548 and $555. You're not saving any money whatsoever... which I always thought was the point of a bundle... in fact, adding shipping, you're probably losing money. And since this doesn't ship internationally, it's no good to me anyway. Gah, don't mind my complaining... I'm just bitter. (I want a Wii!)