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- Because its Sony

- Because they fucked up Backwards Compatibility

- Because Manditory Installations seems like a convenience for the developer, not the gamer. Plus, if I want to put up with this shit I'll just buy a PC.

- Because its game library consists largely of the types of games that were on the PS2 that the majority of gamers never really cared too much about or games already on the 360 or games trying too hard to compete with the 360 or tried and true AAA franchises that drop the ball one right after another.

- Because I don't have a $15,000 1080i HD TV to make Blu-Ray or HD gaming of this "level" worthwhile.

- Because only a fool adopts a new media format player of any kind in its first few years.

- Because Six-Axis and Dualshock 3 are just too much to not make you want to shake your head in dissapointment.

- Because the Sony fandom literally terrifies me. I'm serious, its like a fucking cult. "Father says there is a ten year plan. Father says the Future is its own Proof. Father says we much evolve to the fourth dimension of gaming. Father says purchasing exclusives is a sin, we earn them."