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Monty said: Your posts get funnier everytime I read them. Now you think NPD's number for the Wii is half a million off? After citing me page after page of NPD data, you now don't trust them when they don't give you the number *you* expected for your console of choice, the Wii? Yes... clearly you are not a fanboy. (that's sarcasm). As for the Xbox vs. Xbox 360 data, you can try to point to individual regions all you want, but as I proved it is WAY ahead of it in the WW arena. WAY ahead. Soon to be a full year ahead. There is no spin there... it's a cold hard fact. When doing numbers, don't let your bias cloud your judgment, and use some common sense. The LoZ sold just over 500k titles in December... meaning it's likely the NPD console number is correct. If the Wii moved 1.1 million units as you say, it's VERY likely LoZ would have moved a ton more copies. When the Xbox 360 debuted, Call of Duty 2 sold to 75% of everybody who had a console. I think it's logical to assume that the LoZ would do about the same numbers or better as it is the only good game on the Wii right now.
Wow Monty. You are so ignorant. 1) If Wii was my console of choice wouldn't I be arguing that the numbers on this site were correct, it should be 4 million? I was stating what NPD reported, which indicated the number was lower than the consensu. LMAO. You have the strangest thoughts. In fact, I think you possibly have a reading problem. I'm not sure, but I think you have a real comprehension problem. If I was a fanboy I would NOT have questioned the 4 million for Wii on this site, I would have said "4 million is right" as it is, I said Wii sales should be LOWER than what this site has. LMAO. You make absolutely no sense, I feel like I'm talkin to a 3rd grader. 2) According to NPD - Xbox 4.5 million US According to NPD - 360 - 4.6 million US You didn't prove anything, it's not cold hard fact. These numbers don't lie right here. If it is selling in almost the same pattern in the US it's not selling any different anywhere else. THOSE 2 NUMBERS ARE FACT. Not some number that M$ tells you they shipped. Sony has a "shipped" number of over 110 million for PS2, but have they really sold that many? I don't believe they have "sold" that many. But it's somewhere between what the console companies tell us is "shipped" and what's actually in consumers hands. I have no bias, I'm equally critical of all these companies. It's obvious to me you only support M$, I on the other hand continue to support all 3. I was actaully a little gald Wii didn't sell as much as I thought it would. I don't want them to take over and run away with this. I want a close outcome cause that ensures gamers the best experience.