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1. Tenchu 4 - This is a big one for me. I love the stealth/action genre, and the Tenchu franchise is rivaled only by Thief in terms of hot, buttery stealthiness. With the developer of the first two (and best two) games back on board and Wii controls on offer, I'm going to be the trickiest little bastard I can be when this game finally gets localized in NA. All shall flee before my kitten minion, the harbinger of a swift and honourless death.

2. Fatal Frame 4 - I didn't use to be big on the horror/survival genre, but playing RE4 and then Eternal Darkness has given me a hunger for horror. The idea of trying to navigate a mansion full of malicious specters armed only with a flashlight and an antique camera should bring a sharp edge to the anxiety.

3. The Conduit - Wii needs a Halo (or put another way, Halo needs Wii controls), and this game looks to be the best bet. The developer is passionate, ambitious, and has demonstrated impressive progress over a period of a few months. They're taking a big risk by making this title without publisher backing, and risk is something that this industry needs more of. Sign me up.

4. Deadly Creatures - I love the premise of this game. Your avatar isn't human, in fact it's barely personified at all. You're a brutal invertebrate who's primary concern is surviving all the monsters which wish to eat you. Crawling around the environments looks like a blast, I just hope the combat and the boss fights deliver.

5. Little King Story - I admit I'm fuzzy on the details of how this game will play. I just know that I'm looking forward to having a joyful time with my subjects... and then working them like dogs! Expending their lives for the good of the kingdom! I've been cold on the RTS genre for a while, so I hope the imagination in this game gets me going.

"The worst part about these reviews is they are [subjective]--and their scores often depend on how drunk you got the media at a Street Fighter event."  — Mona Hamilton, Capcom Senior VP of Marketing
*Image indefinitely borrowed from BrainBoxLtd without his consent.