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OK well I'm I've been keeping a list of Wii games I want for a while now so I'm not going to parse it down, but I will still give you my thoughts on each game and why I'm interested in it. 

Star Wars: Force Unleashed - I don't need to say much here, it is a Star Wars game!  Seriously though I think everyone understands why this is a good game, but the reason the Wii version is (imo) going to be the definitive version is that not only do you get the extra 5 levels of gameplay and thus 5 more levels of story you also get the Wii-mote Jedi Duels...need I say more?  Missing out on the physics engine is minor compared to those least for my money anyways.

Mushroom Men - OK so this is a fun new IP from Red Fly Studio, its basically an adventure platformer and frankly platformer [anything] is a game I'm interested in.  But the game also has a charming story involving mutant mushrooms and rabid rabbits giving it an awesome comedic edge to boot.  Add to all of this an item combination system that sounds pretty sweet even if it isn't totally original.

Guitar Hero: World Tour - Another obvious purchase, but this time its obvious because its the only entry in the genre that is giving the Wii the full consideration it deserves.  Beyond that though the game is being developed down to the very last detail and allowing players far more customization than I would have ever dreamed of including.  But bigger than all of that is the inclusion of whats shaping up to be an amazing music editor allowing for a near infinite supply of new quality tunes to jam to.

ToS: Dawn of the New World - While I'm not yet fan of the "Tales Of" series I still love a good JRPG just as much as the next guy and everything I've seen of this game sounds good so far.  If you take a few minutes to read up on the battle system on Wikipedia I think you too might start to feel a bit of hype for the game.  I might actually even pick up a copy of the first one on Gamecube to catch up on the story but that will depend a lot on how much money I have and whether I can even find a copy.

Arc Rise Fantasia - Not a lot on this game quite yet but I know it is a turn based RPG and that is enough to pique my interest.  Add to that that the lead developer also worked on the original ToS and you have the makings of not only a great RPG but a great game.

de Blob - Just an interesting concept for a game all around.  I downloaded the original PC version and it was a blast, this new installment adds a whole new level of polish as well as some awesome platforming along with a story and a quirky musical score.  All in all the game is just appealing to me..not much to say beyond that.

Star Wars: Clone Wars - Again its a star wars game, but I've also heard tremendous things about the  Clone Wars TV series and the game itself is set to extend on that.  There is also a possibility this could see WMP support which would make it a must-buy for literally every self-respecting Star Wars Fan and Wii owner.

Deadly Creatures  - Another fantastic new IP designed around the creepy crawly adventures of a scorpion and a tarantula trying to survive in a "man's world".  The awesome game footage I've seen so far as done plenty to sell me on this game both from a gameplay perspective as well as a story perspective but it also boast some pretty fantastic visuals as well.

Spyborgs   - This is a game I'm not quite as sold on as the rest of them so far.  I really like the concept and love the fact that the game doesn't take itself seriously but I will want to see more before I commit to a purchase on this one.

Disaster: Day of Crisis - A hardcore Nintendo title by itself is going to get my attention but this game also has a great concept to boot.  I'd be lying if I said I'd seen enough on this game to know that I want to buy it but what I have seen so far tells me the game has the potential to be a major IP, especially if Nintendo plans to continually delay it until they perfect every aspect of it...which they will.

FF: CC: Chrystal Bearers - Oddly this title has very little information available yet is one of my most anticipated RPGs.  Definitely going to want to hear more about the combat and story of the game before I make a purchase but its being designed by a solid team and everything I've seen and heard sounds promising.

Sonic Unleashed  - Whats not to like here?  Its Sonic!  Seriously though a good ole fashion sonic game in 2.5d with a true return to the roots of the series is definitely something most older gamers will be interested in and I'm no exception.

Kid Icarus - Definitely a game that I will need to see more of before I make any hard choices but the dude has wings and that means there will most likely be some platforming! I love me some platforming so this game is on the watch list.

Pikmin 3  - While not dated and only quasi-officially announced this game is without a doubt one of my most anticipated titles.  This game is a pre-order and line up a week in advance if I have to type of game.  First day purchase doesn't do it justice..this is a first second purchase..and yes I know how lame that phrase is but GD it it conveys how much I love this series and I don't care!

The Conduit  - I'm not a huge fan of console shooters for a variety of reasons but the condiut appears to have addressed the largest reason and that is controls.  While other games like Metroid Prime 3 have done a good job with this I believe the conduit will do it far and away better than the rest.  The reason I say that is because the controls are extremely customizable allowing you to choose turning speed, the size of the dead zone on the side of the screen, etc...This means that each player can perfectly mold the controls to the tight feel that they ability PC gamers have had for a long time in shooters and is really hard to live without on the consoles.  Beyond the controls though the game has an intriguing story and their decision to add some adventure and puzzles into the mix is a solid one for a gamer like myself who, while I enjoy a good murder fest, also enjoys a shooter that is a bit more engaging.  It remains to be seen if conduit can live up all of the hype but I'm optimistic from what I've seen so far.

Other Notables: Fragile, Monster Hunter 3, Mad World, Fatal Frame IV, The SMG & Zelda Sequels, Monster Lab, and Wario Land. I don't want to make this too long =P

To Each Man, Responsibility