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When discussing the supposed "console wars", I still don't understand why PS3 supporters think the ten year life cycle has anything to do with anything. The PS2 is still around, yes. How many of you are banging down Sony's doors demanding new PS2 games? If you own a PS3, do you really give two s#$%s about the PS2 anymore besides those nostalgic moments when you want to go back and play your favorites?

I realize that the PS3 is a powerhouse machine. You can't deny that. But technology moves along SO fast, and eventually the PS3 will become a dated piece of hardware, and I think it will be sooner than people think. It won't be in the next couple of years, but beyond that, who knows?

Again, yes the PS2 is still around. But if I still had an old PS2 lying around and a PS3 with all these new games coming out, I probably wouldn't even be THINKING about my PS2 anymore. If anything, I would probably be really pissed that my PS3 won't play my favorite PS2 games.