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ZenfoldorVGI said:
Onimusha12 said:

King of HD RPGs, is that really saying much?

Again Dodece shoots down another attempt to create hype for the PS3 with solid inarguable facts.

It's king of hd Jrpgs.

Everytime we bring up RPGs in general, we're told to stfu by sony fanboys, because they know they're owned.


The 360 is the king of RPGs.

It is also currently the king of JRPGs.


The only assertion in this thread by even the most diehard sony fanboy is that by the end of 2009, the PS3 will have caught up to the 360 in JRPGs. Nothing more. Pretending that Sony will soon be the king of all console RPGs is slightly delusional, imo.



 When it comes to quality JRPGS this is no doubt, considering the pedagree of games like Star Ocean and the Tales series. Also with creators of Final Fantasy making Mistwalker which really favors the 360, and 3 original JRPGs from RPG experts Sqeenix. Lets not forget FFXIII now either. Tri-Ace has also proven themselves and now seem rather fond of the 360, despite what we think the Eternal Sonata's sales were. Must not have been too bad I guess, or they just want to give it another shot. What is Cry On?


Then we get to Western RPGs (WRPGs?). Fallout 3 is great, and multiplat. But Fable II and Too Human, both with proven and amazing devs are exclusive. A bit more sure, but I really don't feel like checking up on them.


I guess the point I'm making is that quality over quantity, 360 takes the lead, but if you want to look at it the other way, 360 still takes the lead with the amount of games. Really this is a dead argument, the victor is and has been clear.

GOTY Contestants this year: Dead Space 2, Dark Souls, Tales of Graces f. Everything else can suck it.