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ckmlb said:
omgwtfbbq where does it say that this game is a spin off? Can you point it out to me? You're confusing the PS3 for the Wii... this is a brand new game from the creator of Katamari.

Or maybe you think the same people can't make more than one game at a time?

I don't know why you didn't notice the little winkey face ( ;) ) that I put at the end of the sentence.  It means "Don't take very word in the previous sentence literally. It is meant for humour value with perhaps a kernel of truth."

In other words, I was making light of the double standards that many PS3 owners tend to employ. If you wish to take each word completely literally and attack the semantics of my post rather than the meaning, then fine, go ahead. I can't argue with you there. But if you would take the time toread the intent of my post without attacking the semantics (which many other people have managed) then you will find yourself attacked less often.

And don't think I agree with that viewpoint anyway. Give me completely original games over tired sequels of well known franchises any day. I was simply showing the inherant double standards.

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