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ssj12 said:
kowenicki said:
DMeisterJ said:

We've been having lots of "X console is doing horribly" posts and threads lately.

I just like how it says Sony is gonna stay in third place, and they don't see how PS3 made up 2.1 million units of ground on the 360 in seven months...


It has made up 2.1 million this year, thats true.... and yet the ps3 is no nearer the 360 than it was the day it launched 20 months ago. Thats right... the PS3 has not pulled closer to the 360 after nearly 2 years.

Maybe the consoles are at different times in their life cycles..? maybe the 360 will pull away again..? maybe not? maybe the trend will continue and the PS3 will pass the 360 late 2009..? maybe not...?


goto chartz then hardware from launch then eat some crow.




Also, it can't be forgotten that the PS3 has not only been competing with the 360 since it's lauch.

The 360 had the luxury of being the only "new" console on the market where the PS3 wasn't.

I don't think anyone can deny that the Wii has been the victor so far, and as such must have taken at least a few sales from both the PS3 and 360.


Proud Sony Rear Admiral