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MontanaHatchet said:

This thread is funny. And the Conservatives inside it are even more hilarious. Hell, I think I'd break my "don't be pretentious" policy just for this thread.

There are some people who we don't usually get in Off Topic that are posting in this thread and providing opinions, so I'd say this is turning out great.

Anyways, what you all fail to realize is that both candidates are complete liars and make up policies based on what they think the largest number of people believe in at that certain moment. This has been going on with nearly every presidential election ever and people still think they're geniuses because they listen to each candidate's views.

Actually, both candidates are pretty much tools of their respective party, so you have to look at which party suits you, and not the candidate. In this case, the Democrats clearly are a lesser of two evils.

"Insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."

-Albert Einstein

Now, why would you vote for McCain when the Republican party is clearly in shambles? There have been periods where one party was clearly the better choice (Reagan years) and where the opposite party was needed (present day).

Not that I need to convince anyone, Obama is almost certain to win the candidacy, unless the Republicans try one of those smear campaigns which they seem to enjoy so much.


Sure its in shambles?  WRONG! I'm a member of various fast growing GOP movements in Arlington, VA and if you do not know that one of the bluest areas of the country!  PS: I vote for McCain because of his experience, realistic approaches to problems, no quasi-socialism, and no increase of govt spending by $500 billion. 

JM will not do direct smear campaigns, only individual PACs and the Washington Post stated that the GOP has no chance because they do bot even have any youth groups in VA.  I suggest you do a little research.


edit:  Oh and his tax increases will decrease 360 sales because all good economists know that cutting taxes leads to long term stimulated growth.  Microsoft would be affected and would have to keep the prices the same in Others/Japan to make up for lost profit on corporate gains taxes that your Obama-saviour would impose.

And another thing @ the poster who said I was being racist-if you take a look at Obama you see he is bi-racial-I was providing the information that maybe I shouldn't have since it is clearly obvious.  Oh wait... what's that... this is a global site and people may have not been following his biographical diversity.  Oh shouldn't someone fill them in?  I thought so.