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The key issue Sony have had with the PS3 (IMO) is this:

 - they have FAILED to show that the console is "significantly" more powerful than the 360 as promised.

As a result, the head start that the 360 has had results in better quality software (more time for developers to learn the architecture), and also boosts its install base.


The final result, is that the 360 & PS3 are competing for exactly the same consumers - and will end up splitting the (HD) market down the middle.

Sony need to show that the extra time developing the console (CELL & BluRay) results in *significantly* better software - stuff that is literally impossible to do on the 360. Until they do this, they cannot "win". (Why buy something "more expensive" when it does effectively the same thing as the "less expensive" solution?)

In the meantime, MS need to fix their flaky hardware.

In my eyes, its a race at the moment: can MS fix their flaky hardware before Sony can release/demonstrate games on the PS3 that are "impossible" on the 360.

Gesta Non Verba

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