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dit - 7/26: Some more research has made me wonder about my PSU. The 8800gt is purchased and it'll be delivered to me on Monday. However, I've questioned my PSU choice for a while now and I want to ask a question about it so I don't risk the damage of the GPU or other parts.

I have the Thermaltake W0100RU. From the looks of it, I think I made a mistake buying this PSU. I'm wondering if it'll support the 8800gt.

I'm looking to quickly solve this issue today because if I do indeed need a better PSU, I don't want to sit on my brand new card for long since I'll want to make sure it works as soon as possible so I can register it and send out the rebate. Oh and, not to mention actually playing my games .


Thanks for the help






I've just been given the go ahead that I can purchase a new video card for my PC for my birthday and I had been looking at some 8800gt's. I'm looking for opinions about the cards or other helpful suggestions as well.

I only have Windows XP Pro for right now and I'm not too interested in Vista at the moment. My PC video output situation is a 19" flatscreen CRT monitor (call me old fasion, but I like the high refresh rate and HATE ghosting) and 720p/1080i HDTV in the living room at my apartment. At home, I can hook up to a 1080p HDTV.

I've picked out some EVGA cards that might suit me (I've heard they have a nice warranty, they have a rebate, and free shipping). I'm pretty much looking for something that provides power to run the latest games, but I don't really need the extra juice of more expensive cards for running games in HUGE resolutions.


Basic EVGA 8800gt - single slot


Superclocked (50mhz overclock) EVGA 8800gt - single slot


Dual slot EVGA 8800gt


A number of reviews of the single slot cards seem to have an issue with heat. Thus, that's why I added the dual slot one to my list when I noticed it was priced about the same as the single slot ones. Still, reviews for the dual slot say you apparently need to use Riviatuner to make the fans run at a faster pace. So, despite it not having as many reviews as the other two, I'm thinking about ordering the dual slot one because the extra cooling ought to be nice and should I want to overclock (which I have no experience in doing with GPU's so who knows), I hear that EVGA's warranty extends to non-physical damage (IE - overclocking).

What do you fellow VGchart's PC gamers think? Is an EVGA 8800gt a good buy?

Thanks in advance