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Kwaad said: I always thought the software emulator's full power was coming with V2.0 I thought the European units were coming with V2.0 installed on them? If not, it's gonna be a update that comes out within a week.
They had better come with 2.0, and pre-installed on all machines - as 80%-90% of ALL users will never connect their console online. So no updates for them! BTW - I live in Australia, and am paying $100/m for a 40Gig, 8Mbps connection ($100AU = approx 75US). Actually, the connection goes UP TO 8Mbps - but we get closer to 4Mpbs (all depends on your distance from the exchange). They are rolling out ADSL2+ (20Mpbs) connections, but not fast enough for my liking :P (and our backbone to the US/rest of planet is still a major issue)

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