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. flash runs perfectly on my linux desktop

Now, You should have used it a while ago. And there are still problems when you use external hardware like the Microphone.

You can also save your documents directly to office 03 format.

Yes but for three Word/Excel (besides the OO Excel sucks) / Powerpoint document one has a problem. This may not be a problem for you but I get and make them daily

So you are saying that linux/osx/bsd/whatever is better than windows but still you use windows? Wtf?

To be honest most Linux distros suck too. I would only contemplate switching to MaxOS which is really better but in this case the compatibility is even worse. Not even Eclipse works there well. But that's a problem with monopolistic fields of economy. Real competition gets killed before it gets going. And I hope nobody denies that MS has a monopole in the OS world.