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DMeisterJ said:
Onimusha12 said:
Sony shot itself in the foot by trying to gobble up the Xbox's Hardcore market to eliminate Microsoft as potential contendor this generation. In turn they created a console so westernized that it has virtually no appeal in Japan and everywhere else is unable to beat Microsoft at its own game. Sony had let Microsoft lure it onto their home turf.

Sony shot itself in the foot by making a console that was too expensive, too over-engineered to compete realistically in the market.

The online strategy means nothing for the PS3, only the 360 benefits from a prime online strategy because its demographic relishes such aspects. You all seem to think the PS3 and 360 are sharing the same market, but while the 360 appeals to the 15-25 year old internet-savy jock gamer crowd, the PS3 really largely appeals to the much older 25-40 year old demographic of financially stabilizing adults who either want to own the "best" (most powerful) product of its respective market or own a Blu-Ray player or the HD console that they're told is the most ideal for their new $15,000 1080i wide screen TV. They really don't play that many games and don't really consider video gaming much of a passion.

The 360 has become the hardcore gamer console of choice while the PS3 is becoming a luxury necessity in the same right as HD TVs.

15,000 dollar TVs?  ROFL.  Take it from someone who lives at best buy, you can buy a 1080p TV (or 720 for that matter) for far less than 15,000 dollars.  I hope that was an exaggeration, not sheer stupidity.

Next time you make a point, try getting your facts straight.

And lol at PS3 being a luxury necessity at fifty bucks more expensive than the 360.  Yeah, so much of a luxury.

Just don't reply.  You're wrong, and make no sense.  Leave this thread while you have an ounce of respect and a shred of dignity left.

I bought my 1080p 42 inch Bravia for 2000$ 2 years ago at Best Buy( was a sale, regular price at the time was 2500$), but yes honestly don't throw out prices out there when you have no clue what you are talking about..


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !