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Arkk said:
DMeisterJ said:

We've been having lots of "X console is doing horribly" posts and threads lately.

I just like how it says Sony is gonna stay in third place, and they don't see how PS3 made up 2.1 million units of ground on the 360 in seven months...


Not to be splitting hairs, but Vgchartz has the numbers from Dec 30 07 to July 20 08 at 1,561,852 fior the amount of units caught up between the PS3 and 360.

If the sales stayed at this rate, it would take the PS3 just over 2 years to make up the ground lost. There are many variables that can effect this though, such as the recent 360 price cut, or big name, impact games.

Saying this, either way you cut it, the PS3 does have some work ahead of it to make up lost ground, and by the time it does, it will most likely be deep into the current gen cycle. I say that MS has been succesful so far this gen in gainging market share. Expect them to end up at at least 30 mil, or as high as 35 mil. This means that they gained quite a big piece of the pie since last gen, which in turn means Sony must have lost some to them.


The biggest gap between the two was 7.5 million last November, and now the diff is 5.41 so 2.09 is what's gained.  And you fail to realize Christmas season, price cuts, etc, change all that.