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disolitude said:

Meh...some points are on the money some are off. Had it launched as it did with similar price point without bluray, sony PS3 would have been sharing the same store discount bins as HD-DVD movies. So good thing they have that...

My biggest problem with PS3 is that gaming wise, it doesn't offer anything more than xbox 360 offers, despite being a year late to the party and more expensive. Infact they are still trying to catch up in most areas...(games library, online, exclusives...etc)

With your reasons for the ps3 failing to offer, you do realize that those problems are mostly a result of launching a year later in NA and 16 months late in EU right? It sounds like you're contradicting yourself. No way, the ps3 would have ever sat in discount bins like Hd-DVD movies because there are lots of people like me who are brand-loyal. I could make the claim that 10 mil out of the current 14 mil ps3'swere sold on brand loyalty. Especially in EU where the 360 is waaay cheaper, ps3 released 16 months late and has already caught up to the 360!

On topic, I have to agree with the analyst on the brand-loyalty sales because at the time of the ps3's launch, most people didn't really want to upgrade to a new HD format so you can't really say blu-ray sold many consoles. Even though there was a vastly superior line-up for a gamer on 360, people (like me) chose the ps3 because:

1. The name "playstation" is synonymous with gaming in my household not nintendo surprisingly

2. I became a true gamer with the advent of the ps1 and still play games from that generation. I needed 1 machine to play them all and offer me the potential of new experiences. I wasn't sold based on home or any online service because I've always been a jrpg fan first and never really played much of any other genre till this gen. COD4 is the first FPS I ever purchased and the first game I ever played online and for me, the PSN worked fine.

However, I have to agree with the analyst that sony went too far with the ps3 hardware tech. It was Krazy Ken's disease. He seemed so engulfed in releasing hardware more powerful than microsoft's that he lost all focus on what the made the empire he had built as great as it was. Perhaps this was because people kept showing how the xbox was more powerful than ps2. M$ sold a whole bunch of xbox's just by proving that alone. As an engineer, it looks like his ego was at stake having products out there that were more powerful than his invention. Thus came the lust for tech prowress that is the ps3.

Personally, I think Kutaragi singlehandedy invigorated gaming and developed the greatest empire ever (hint: its called "playstation"). However, he also singlehandedly took it down by going crazy with the R&D without even bothering to report to his bosses.  Is it possible that he did this on purpose because they didn't make him CEO even when the PS brand was responsible for the vast majority of sony's profits back then? We will never know.

For me, I appreciate what Ken has done even though he failed on his 3rd attempt because he brought me the best games and entertainment I've had my entire life just like I still consider Zidane my favorite player ever despite his gaffe at the world cup. For this reason, I'll support PS till it ceases to exist or till I cease to enjoy gaming...whichever comes first!


"Dr. Tenma, according to you, lives are equal. That's why I live today. But you must have realised it by now...the only thing people are equal in is death"---Johann Liebert (MONSTER)

"WAR is a racket. It always has been.

It is possibly the oldest, easily the most profitable, surely the most vicious. It is the only one international in scope. It is the only one in which the profits are reckoned in dollars and the losses in lives"---Maj. Gen. Smedley Butler