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reggie2 said:
Yes it could be the price cut helping, but of course the new 60gb model next month at the old 20gb model price, All the new features that the new update is going to bring and the E3 announcements went far better for MS than anyone else, MS are on a roll and the real steam will start in November with Gears 2, Final Fantasy and Fable etc etc all being released on 360......


Ummm...  Maybe...  But was it not that the 360 having a year head start, shipped 10 million prior to PS3 and Wii releases, having more titles available, and having a "better" line-up was suppose to make the 360 the best selling console?  But in November of 2007, the PS3 outsold the 360 in N.A. for like the next 4 months and worldwide every month as of yet.  And that's not even counting the Wii.  But maybe with a little "faith" you might be right...

Hackers are poor nerds who don't wash.