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|_emmiwinks said:
The Ghost of RubangB said:
Who needs forgiveness? The games they announced will outsell anything MS or Sony announced.

And E3 is a joke. They'll announce "bigger" or "core" games later, when they feel like it. The days of Nintendo announcing games years in advance are over.

Nintendo will continue to force the industry wide open and crush it and expand it over and over, and they'll pull the snobcore crybabies kicking and screaming into the future of video games. This is nothing new.

Think of this as a robot war. The robots are coming. Join them or die. I for one, have become a cyborg. I'll be on the robot team bitches.

Anything you say becomes null and void the moment you use "snobcore" in a post. There is nothing more snobish then labeling an entire people some derogatory name based on a small percentage of that population... Well that and its bigoted and ignorant. I think its actually the textbook definition of "Racist". You are the very definition of "Snobcore" when you use that term.

Did you know that Cubic Zirconias outsell Diamonds many hundreds of times over everyday? Its true, still doesn't make the Zirconia's anything more then what they are, fake.

Sorry to the rest of you, it just pisses me off when someone uses that god awful term. I own a Wii and when I do turn it on I have fun with it.

OT: I dont get why people that were so bent out of shape about Nintendo's conference are so quick to forgive and to forget. Most of you people still bring up the batarang controller and 600 dollar price tag of the PS3 or the RROD on the 360 and dont even own those consoles. This time it was your own cereal that was pissed in and you just roll over and forgive? Hypocritical.


No when I say snobcore I mean snobcore and it's perfectly valid.  Anybody who takes offense to it is a snob.

Anybody who can refer to themselves as "hardcore" on the internet or in real life and then look at themselves in the mirror without crying has some serious issues.

Especially when they're elitist assholes (EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM) who hate 99% of gamers, and expect every game to cater to their obsolescent tastes.

I have a Wii and haven't forgiven anything.  The controller works fine and it has a great price and great software for every demographic except for the "snobcores who demand 1 FPS per fortnight" demographic.

I don't get your cubic zirconia analogy.  Are you implying that the Wii provides an inferior or fake gaming experience or just arguing that great sales don't prove good quality?  I'm not arguing that its sales prove its quality, but they do prove that it is completely changing the industry.

The difference between us is that I think change is good for the industry and snobcores don't.

When you compare video game sales to the population growth, then the industry was growing slower than population, meaning it was shrinking and definitely needed a jolt.  I am grateful to Nintendo for providing that jolt.  If it weren't for the new control schemes the DS and Wii offered me, I'd be playing nothing but Blizzard and Valve games on my PC.