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You do not get it riot the only way to win is to be cheep or in that play in a cheep way because that how every one else plays here. Every game devolves down to dodges smash dodges smash at a point because you guys only try for kill shot when you have put up dmg on the person. I practices by playing ppl online because if you want to be good online you have to be able to good at playing with lag and every one dose lag it just very from person to person. I do not take being called a scrub lightly i dare you to play some one else who is not top tear try link zss samies ganly etc.. not meta or marth. O yes been looking riot what name are you going by now you keep changing it so its kinda hard to keep track who you are.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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