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You may put these rules down but ppl do them just the same and they win a lot. The simple roll behind attk is nearly imposable for some one to stop if they do not roll them self or have a way to attk behind them but you may say tilt that way but the tilt its self is too slow every thing is too slow for that suasion. I play zss so please keep that in mind when you give adives but i am thinking about giving her up for good because it just dose not pay to play some one you like you have to play some who is good. So my chose are DDD falco luciro meta and snake. Well i guess peakechew but even i think he cheep. If i do not dash i will be seen as a camper or be spamed with rng. Ivo i would like you to try to play zss for a bit and see what you think. She has great air attks and i would love to come at ppl all the time from the air but ppl hid a lot under plant forms (this is camping) or they just simply have high up the tree attks in the air.

Smash ID: Jski - 0559-6620-9873

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