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cookingyourmama said:
konnichiwa said:
If I am right this was the situation at the begin of January:

X360 32 million sellers
Wii 18 Million sellers.
PS3 5 Million sellers

And the latest numbers are:

x360 42 million sellers
wii 27 million sellers
ps3 15 million sellers

So that means the x360 gained 10 more, the wii 9 more and the ps3 10 more. That fits pretty much with what i said all along which is despite the wii having massive hardware sales only a select few wii games get most of the sales.


While this could be true, there is another possible explanation.

Given that all 29 of those new millions sellers most likely did not launch after Jan 01, 2008, it's likely that many for either of the 3 systems were near 1 million just prior to New Years.  A few sales later and appaerence of your supposition is seen.


I'm not suggesting your theory is incorrect, just that it's not the only plausible one.


The rEVOLution is not being televised