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misterd, it really breaks down to an issue of the folks looking for a Wii right now are people who want the console themselves. They are generally gaming aware and are more sure of what they want. Where as during the holidays the people buying consoles are more of a lemming (not to demean the general publics IQ lol). They are looking for the gift and they don't want to go all over hell's half acre just to find it. So they are far far more likely to give up or settle for another console than the guy who knows what he wants and was looking for it all summer.

PS - If I remember correctly, I read a thread on here a while back with I think it was Michael Pachter explaining this stuff, it might of been another forum perhaps. But he basically explained it in those terms and went on to say that it is not just a console trend its an everything popular trend, and is used by all sorts of companies.

To Each Man, Responsibility