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I can win matches with Toon Link without using a single projectile. You don't need to rely on things like projectiles and camping to win a match. You use prediction, spacing, and knowledge of your opponent to good use and try to put them in a bad situation. This game requires a lot of thought and whether you notice it or not its true. A lot of decisions are available for every action, its a combination of knowledge and prediction that will help you to chose the right one. Don't forget the importance of mind games as well. If you think your opponents ready for an attack, short hop to them but reverse and stay out of range halfway to bait the attack. Then punish the baited attack.

Jski... You do know if you right click the reply box, it has a spell check feature right?

For the nth time. Character, Cheap, does, and least. My English major from college is getting the best of me ; ; Might not remember all the grammatical things but spelling still drives me loony =/

Wasu, I don't do items... ever... they make me sad ; ;

My Creations in Modnation Racers! Check zhem!