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I used to keep a dream diary. I'd wake up and draw whatever I remembered from my dream, and write down any dialogue I'd remember, and any crazy plot points that can't easily be drawn.

In less than a week of this I just started having lucid dreams every night.

I didn't know what they were at first, so I'd open my eyes and suffer from sleep paralysis, and I'd see people walk by the room and I'd hear the phone ring (and wake up later and remember this and find out it was real because my eyes were actually open while I was asleep and dreaming), but I couldn't move, but I'd also dream crazy things into my real room, like a dragon walking through the wall.

Then I looked it up online, found out about lucid dreaming, and discovered keeping a dream diary is one of the steps you can do to try to have them on purpose. The more dreams you write about or draw, the more details you remember each day, and eventually it's easier for you to tell the difference between dreams and reality so you just start going lucid all the time.

I'd fly through the ceiling and up into space so I could see the city as a grid of rectangles for buildings and blocks, and I'd just start... rearranging them with my mind, and then fly back down into a whole new city, and start flying through buildings, going through walls, so I could go through every room in a building in a few seconds and just spy on the whole world. And sometimes I'd be a lucid detective jumping from dream world to dream world, investigating an alien body snatching dragon and then battling it to save the world.

I've also noticed that if you take several 1-2 hour naps in a day, you're almost guaranteed to have a million lucid dreams in your 2nd, 3rd, or 4th nap.

And if you "wake up" into sleep paralysis, you won't be able to move at all, but if you just "levitate" out of your bed, it instantly turns into a lucid dream in which you can fly and you don't wake yourself up.