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Skeeuk said:

bluray is also fast enough to stream of it.


The moment a game has something as intrusive as a mandatory install is because the disc drive can't cope. Of course you do get the side-benefit of shorter loading times but the skinny is if it wasn't necessary it wouldn't be forced. Given how games like DMC4 sport the same (or to be more precise, equivalent) graphical fidelity for both versions if one has a mandatory install is because for that particular version the disc drive isn't enough. There's no other way to spin around it unless you can't come to terms with the fact that sony integrated a drive that wasn't fast enough for some/many/most (someone clarify, I do not own a ps3) modern games. Luckily every ps3 is sold with a HDD drive so the ps3 versions of games aren't gimped by this issue using the install workaround.

About the highlighted text, what's the issue. X360's with a disc drive that's started to malfunction will experience disc-drive related issues, tipycally longer loading times and for games that require heavy streaming (for example, made with UE3) will also experience pop-in issues. Since installed games do not access the disc drive, a barely-functioning disc drive will be enough as long as you have room in the hard drive. This isn't trivial as MS's extended 3 year warranty does not cover the disc drive.


Current-gen game collection uploaded on the profile, full of win and good games; also most of my PC games. Lucasfilm Games/LucasArts 1982-2008 (Requiescat In Pace).