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alpha_dk said :

"""I have shown absolutely nothing about VoD growth?  Look at my links again.  One of them is for a little site called Hulu, and how many people used it in April, 2008.  That site was launched end of august (so basically september) 2007.  In less than a year, the site grew to be bigger in a single month than BR sales combined over twice the time period.

I have done NOTHING but show you hard evidence and data, and analysis.

If you have problems with my analysis, that's your prerogative; however, don't try and pretend I am not backing it up.  I am taking into account the most inclusive data I have to fight against my argument, and deliberately only giving myself a small subsection of digital distribution to go against the entirety of Blu-ray; guess what?  DD still is more 'mainstream' than Blu-ray, and is seeing massive growth right now."""


==> but the growth of 1 site or even the revenue generate by this site doesn't mean a lot.

Revenue is not the matter here (on this point). We are more talking about market share.

Maybe it is getting lot of cash because they get lot of money for each download ?

Also, since we only have informations about revenue, it shows nothing about "mainstream" or not. 

Time to Work !