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If it's an optional install, you can still work it with a 20GB drive. If you have the space clear, all you have to do is wait until a good opportunity to do the install (for example, now I must poop) and then start the install and walk away. When you come back, it's done.

If it was mandatory, you couldn't do that because you'd have to install before playing rather than installing whenever you want to improve performance. In that way, you can do an install of the game you're already playing a lot to speed things up when you are at the console. Sure, it would be nice to have more space (laptop drives are what, 320GB+?) but because the installs are not mandatory you can work around them.

Anyway, hell, 10 minutes is like the amount of time it takes to install between MGS 4 scenes, right? But MGS 4 fans are so used to waiting that it's not a big deal.