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@DMeisterJ: Downplaying loading times doesn't seem outlandish to me... They're not good to have, but nothing too bad either.

Downplaying the DVD drive wear and tear problem doesn't seem too bad to me either, after all it doesn't seem that many people are having problems with 360's drive (although of course this might change in the future).

This leaves us with your claim that some people spinned things by downplaying 360's loudness problem. You're probably right, but just because people downplayed it, it doesn't mean they didn't acknowledge it's a real problem. Even the people who downplayed it have the right to be happy that they now have an option to play 360 games with less noise. Maybe some people were delusional to the point of denying this problem, but to that I'd give a similar answer as the one I gave above when we were talking about optional installs.

It seems to me that you're scraping the bottom of the barrel for things to throw at 360 fanboys.



My Mario Kart Wii friend code: 2707-1866-0957