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I'm familiar with Lucid dreams, I studied them in year 12 psychology (final year of high school).

For me, almost all dreams are Lucid, because for some reason, after studying psychology and understanding how dreams can be manipulated or what effects what's in them, I rarely have nightmares anymore (last one was at least a year ago) and can change any aspect of my dream.

Anyway, Lucid dreams for me (without going into specific details) are usually inconsistent, as in I will start dreaming about a particular scene and person and then suddenly (obviously no idea what time frame this is in because I'm asleep) skip to a sequence that goes on from the previous one but is in a different area and with a different person.

It's not like it's a movie where the scene changes from character to character, it's the exact same situation but it's like the person replaced the original person and scene replaced scene.

Usually the scene is so obviously fake (like I once dreamed that I played for Brazil in the World cup alongside ronaldo and roberto carlos) and other times not so much (I'm still in high school living out a day in my life). But for the latter times, I always do something entirely impossible to, I guess show myself it is a dream.

But if you want specifics, after breaking up with my gf at the time, I had a dream (non-lucid I would say) where I thought I was with another girl. I woke up the next morning and fell back asleep in the hopes of, I guess, replaying that dream (it was a rough patch in my life, cut me some slack :D ), instead that dream continued on.