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This thread is funny.

People are now indicating that the 360 is obnoxiously louder than a jet engine. They've also admitted that the 360 drive has a wear and tear problem with the drive spinning so much. And also, inadvertently made it known that the load times on 360 games is not exactly where they'd want them to be.

So for those who can't install, they have to deal with those problems? Seems like MS is fucking over a few million of it's customers.

@ MrStickball.

On you comparisons you are wholly and largely innacurate. Are you seriously telling me that the PS3 has "unknown" benefits of installation? PS3 installation doesn't improve load times? Then what was the point of the installation? The hell of it? You and I know that installations improve load times, as HDD reading is faster than BD reading. Which was reported as the reason for the installs in the first place. Don't play dumb, you're smart, you know what you're talking about. Also, Microsoft said during internal testing the times decreased 30 percent. Who knows how many games they tested, etc.? So I'd wait for more data than "internal testing" before I tout that. Don't play dumb, you're smart, you know what you're talking about.

What is "fastest installation on all games" vs. "Variable". The reason for the variable times on the PS3 for installation are because of the "variable" amounts. The smaller the install, the less time it takes, obviously. So I'm not sure how that is better for the 360 than the PS3.

Reduced noise is a weird thing. The 360 is as loud as a jet engine. The PS3 is much more quieter than the 360. So while the 360 does have "reduced noise" is it in fact still louder than the PS3? If it has reduced noise, and still manages to be louder than the PS3, then that's pretty bad. Reduced noise is subjective to whether you own both consoles or not, cause if it's still loud, but somewhat quieter, it's still loud. Now if they said "whisper quiet" or something like that, okay, but I'll take that with a grain of salt.

Reduced wear and tear would happen on both consoles. What would be the point of installing the game if it didn't read from the hard disk? That's the whole point of the game installs on PS3 is to read from the hard disk. How would the BD drive not spin as much if it's reading from the HDD.

Come on now stickball. This install on 360 is a good thing. But comparing it to the PS3 in any other vein beside being optional is foolish. The only reason the installs are not mandatory on the 360 is because the HDD isn't mandatory. What you fail to realize is that the same things that you listed for the PS3 apply to the 360, but you're trying to say that they don't. As if the install on the PS3s HDD is simply for the hell of it. Get over this notion that besides being optional, this is anything different than what happens on the PS3.