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I sold my Wii about a month ago, along with my 32" Bravia, all to get a 46" 1080p Sammy to get the most out of my PS3. There isn't any games yet, other than the new Wario game, that makes me regret selling it. I figure in a year or so, if the line up looks cool, I'll pick another one up when they are readily available.

The re-sale on it is pretty damn good right now, I got about $600 for my Wii and all the extra's. The funniest part was that my used Wii Fit sold for $25 dollars more than I bought it for.

I am as much of a movie geek as I am a gamer, so the PS3 just is a great package for me. It will definitely have to be your decision, just weigh the pros and cons. Wasn't a hard decision for me because my Wii had been collecting dust for a couple months and I really wanted a bigger 1080p TV with little money out of pocket.


Good luck with your choice.