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ThIs is one of the best movies i have seen this year, along with " The Prestige ( at all there was a recurring actor in both, the old guy thats the butler ) I really enjoyed the comic relief in this film, even though it had it's peculiar serious tone. The acting of The Jokers was superb ( so superb it killed off the actor in real life? Keith Ledger died after filming the Dark Knight, sad ) This movie is miles from Batman Begins, although it was good. Though i didn't see what happened after Harvey Dent ( TWO FACE AWESOME ) fell around the end, my sister wanted to go to the bathroom. But anyway, anyone catch that alluring to the old Batman movie ( Batman Returns? If not, the one with Joker. ) Where the Joker was falling down from the building ( after he tried to detonate the two ferries ) , then Batman saved him, keeping with his traditional code. In the old Batman movie, The Joker falls from a building and go SPLAT, the film shows a graphic smashed head, brain matter spilling out, and the joker still smiling.