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Selective consumers will always want the most options for the least coinage. That will never change.

One of the main issues people have with mandatory installs is that they take an option away from the consumer and put it in the hands of the developer (not Sony).

So developers are given the option on a standard HDD equipped console to either make a mandatory install on their games, making their job easier to make game play optimal (or sometimes just make their jobs easier without any real benefit to the player), or make a optional install and hobble the performance of their game without an install, which is likely to result in more complaints (Mass Effect).

Without having any sort of numbers to prove anything, my guess would be the typical consumer doesn't bother to do a full install on PS3 games that have that option available, just as the typical consumer won't bother to do an install on any of their 360 games.

But the option is available.