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Buying a memory card is just SLIGHTLY different from buying either a $99 or $180 HDD. Where is the logic in comparing the two?

I'm going with TKC's take on this issue as an owner who is not "delighted" at the prospect of being able to buy another HDD so I can install all my games.

I won't be upgrading drives. I may end up replacing my 360 with a smaller, cooler running, lower power using, more reliable model for well under what the current 360 Pro costs (thinking $199 or $150 when the prices bottom out near the end of the cycle), but it's not the same.

Until then, I'm "stuck" with the 20GB drive, which only means I won't be using as many HDD reliant functions as I would on the PS3.

And chalk me up as one of the original PS2 owners who never bought more than one memory card. I'm still not sure how I managed to pull that off over almost 8 years and 50+ games, but I did.